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Research Credit Claims Audit Techniques Guide (RCCATG)

Credit for Increasing Research Activities



Service DescriptionTaxpayers are filing claims for the credit for increasing research activities (research credit) under Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.) § 41 [1] often at the end of an examination cycle, which is requiring the expenditure of additional audit resources often at the expense of other significant audit issues. Research Credit Refund Claims (“RC claims”) have been identified by the Commissioner as a Top Compliance issue for Large and Mid-Size Business Division (LMSB) and are currently designated a Tier I issue. Tier I Issues are of high strategic importance to LMSB and have

Research Credit Refund Claims (“RC claims”) have been identified by the Commissioner as a Top Compliance issue for Large and Mid-Size Business Division (LMSB) and are currently designated a Tier I issue. Tier I Issues are of high strategic importance to LMSB and have significant impact on one or more industries. This Research Credit Claims Audit Techniques Guide (“RCCATG”) provides guidance on how IRS examiners can more efficiently and effectively evaluate RC claims, particularly those that are prepared under the most common approach, Prepackaged RC Claim Studies.


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