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Lower Tax Burden and Grow

R&D Tax Credit Services for Business Owners

Protect your profits and drive cash flow to your bottom line

Maximize Business ROI

Tap into the dollar-for-dollar savings power offered by the research and development tax credit to optimize your return on overall investment

Acena Consulting_Research and Development Tax Credit_Manufacturing

Does Your Business Quality for the R&D Tax Credit? 

Many company leaders don't realize their operations qualify for the research and development tax credit. Launched in 1981, the R&D tax credit rewards businesses that discover, design, and further develop both new and existing technologies. The innovation tax credit offers business owners an opportunity to:

  • Earn up to 13.5 cents of federal and state R&D tax credits for every qualified dollar
  • Claim a dollar-for-dollar reduction in both federal and state income tax liability
  • Lower effective tax rate
  • Increase in earnings per share
  • Drive cash flow

The research and development tax credit also offers a carry forward credit of up to 20 years. Businesses can also perform look-back studies to identify unclaimed credits for open tax years. 

The 4-Part Test

Download our easy-to-follow cheat sheet to help you identify preliminary qualifications, simplified calculations, and industry guidelines for your clients.


Get Back to Business

Acena manages the entire R&D tax process for business owners


Initial Evaluation

We take a deep dive into your operations to identify qualifying innovation tax credit activities and maximize the benefit. 


Customized Solutions

First, Acena consulting will help you establish your R&D status — then we'll create a personalized analysis approach to help you maintain it. 


Documentation Support

Our documentation services support your claims, minimize risk, and protect your business in the event of an audit. 

Let's Get Started

Contact Acena for a free consultation